
You Gave Them Roots. We’ll Give Them Wings.™


Wings to Soar

The Freedom Institute is more than a high school. It offers a personalized learning model that empowers students to tailor their education to their unique interests and college and career aspirations. The Freedom Institute provides college and high school courses (including Freedom’s C5 curriculum), college prep, career prep, job placement, and internships. Freedom students will be well-prepared for their chosen post-graduation paths and ready for a lifetime of economic freedom.


You Gave Them Roots.
We’ll Give Them Wings.™

Our students "Soar to Success" with our Success Coaches – trained, certified, highly experienced educators – who oversee and work alongside each student. Success Coaches are more than instructors. They are academic advisors, advocates, facilitators, career coaches, internship initiators, and mentors aligned with student-specific goals.

Support The
Freedom Institute

If you want to support The Freedom Institute’s goals with time or treasure (contributions may be tax deductible), please call 239-427-1776.

Freedom Learning Approach

Success Coaches make classes into engaging learning environments with traditional academic tools proven over time, such as debate, projects, discussion, and hands-on experiences/labs. The Success Coach is responsible for the student’s growth in confidence, engagement, fun in learning, and post-graduation success. These are our metrics, not just test scores.

Economic Freedom

With the guidance of Freedom’s committed faculty, our students are encouraged and enabled to identify and pursue their passions and interests, plot their life path, and ready themselves for the rigors and real-world rewards of life and career – in community with others. Students are encouraged to show their mastery of our C5 curriculum each semester. Those who succeed are paid cash for their success!

Unlock Your Full High School
Potential with Our C5 Curriculum

C5 Curriculum

Core, Civics, College & Career, Consumerism, Character


We over traditional high school course work including English (Year 1-4), Math (Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2), Science (Biology, Physical Science, Chemistry, STEAM), and Civics (U.S. History, U.S. Government, World History, Consumerism) in their traditional forms. Each student will have the support they need on their academic path, including college prep classes (college admissions math and English language arts (ELA) test prep), dual enrollment, job acquisition, and more.


Our American Government and U.S. History classes are based on the Hillsdale 1776 curriculum, a traditional and patriotic approach.


We help our students discover their interests and aptitudes so they make good choices about college and careers. Our program pairs students with a committed Success Coach who collaborates with them to develop a Career Success plan. We enrich our curriculum with guest appearances from successful business, government, and non-profit leaders. We also offer field trips to explore some of the most high-demand, high-paying, and rewarding careers.


Our students will comprehensively understand personal finance, budgeting, banking, investing, and more. Dave Ramsey's Foundations for Personal Finance guides our personal finance curriculum. Our students will launch their college and career paths with a strong foundation in financial literacy.


We teach Hard Work, Respect, Patriotism, and Kindness as the foundation for productive citizenship, great jobs, and extraordinary lives. We place the utmost importance on character and its impact on our actions. We follow the structure of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens/People guides to instill habits that benefit our students throughout their lives.

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